So far 2015 has been a year of - - - sheer strange. Unexpected growth, and disappointments (of a personal nature, so they will not be discussed here), as with all things.
First up, my ROSETTA BONES column in THE INTESTINAL FORTITUDE emag has been doing well, focused mainly on music/movie/book reviews, editorial rants, etc. I am ALWAYS looking for new bands and books to review, promote, & eventually interview the creators of. Check the ROSETTA BONES column out @
Next up, on June 1st 2015, the live radiocast "2 IN THE SAME BOAT with MOJOE & VINCENT" launches. It will be a paranormal, artist, strange news & rock-n-roll based show, quite unlike anything you've heard before I can assure you - - - skeptics welcome, too! So far we have a variety of guests scheduled, including punk legend Bloody F. Mess, The Unarians, and many more. Anyone (writers, musicians, artists) interested in appearing on the show contact Mojoe (Joseph William Macguire) or myself on fb, or @ my email We have two FB pages as well: and a more interactive one:
I've been appearing regularly on, and even writing material for, THE ANDROID VIRUS & SEAN show. It is the radiocast companion to THE INTESTINAL FORTITUDE, and they've been kind enough to bequest Mojoe & myself a show of our own. The show covers a WIDE array of topics and is one of the most un-P.C. things out there. It's also incredibly funny. They can be heard LIVE on most Friday nights, 9pm-11pm est. They can be found & listened to here:
I am also reviewing horror/weird/art films for GOREHOUND MIKES WEIRD CINEMA once again, returning after a year or so hiatus, my column being called "VINCENT'S VILE VIDEO VAULT." I try to keep most film critiques to this column, which can be found here:
October will hopefully see the return of Grave Demand Magazine, in a free online format, retitled GRAVE DEMAND: OPEN CASKET. My associates in the project are the FREEZINE's Shaun Lawton, writer/filmmaker Rick Baldwin, and Nick Perrone. GD: OC is essentially the horror/extreme weird sister to the FREEZINE of Fantasy & Science Fiction. There will be more info on this project as it developes.
And speaking of the FREEZINE, several of my stories, as well as my 2010 apocalyptic horror punk novella "Waiting For The End," can still be found there for free. Check it out @
My story "GLUEBABY (Her Harlequin Nightmare)" will be appearing in the January issue of INFERNAL INK Magazine. I'm also still waiting for "CORPSeX: A Method of Love" to appear in [Nameless] Magazine. The contract was signed some time ago, but I know Mr. Brock is an extremely busy gent at the moment, and usually is. I'll get in touch with him about that soon enough, and let you know from there.
There are also new stories and verse being written all the time now, since that dreadful year-long writer's block passed. I just need to get off my ass and start submitting again.
Also, I'm still putting together and polishing up my anthology of previously-published works (many of which are now out of print/circulation, and are now near impossible to find), as well as some new ones thrown into the mix. Unfortunately, the original version fried in my hard drive, so I've just started putting it together from the ground up once again. The tentative title is still BURY ME IN A NAMELESS GRAVE.
And finally, I have collected 20+ years of my various darkpunk/deathrock bands releases and lost material on a Reverbnation page, Vincent Daemon's Age Of Desire:
It's currently warehousing most everything recorded from 1991 to the present (over 100 songs, still adding). I have many new songs written, and may begin some new recordings within the coming months. Check it out - - - burn your ears.
There's also some secret projects in the works, to which I am bound under honor of death were I to reveal at this time.
Fangs for reading, as always. Please join and follow. Writers, musicians, artists, filmmakers, paranormal magnets, contact me at if interested in being reviewed/interviewed/appearing on the radio show.
Vincent Daemon